TRX: Make Your Body Your Machine

Friday, June 10, 2011


1. Think about yourself.
2. Talk about yourself.
3. Use "I" as often as possible.
4. Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others.
5. Listen greedily to what people say about you.
6. Expect to be appreciated.
7. Be suspicious.
8. Be jealous and envious.
9. Be sensitive to slights.
10. Never forgive a criticism
11. Trust no one but yourself.
12. Insist on consideration and respect.
13. Demand agreement with your own views on everything.
14. Sulk if people are not grateful to you for favors shown them.
15. Never forget a service you may have rendered.
16. Be on the lookout for a good time for yourself.
17. Shirk your duties if you can.
18. Do as little as possible for others.
19. Love yourself supremely.
20. Be selfish.

This recipe is guaranteed to be infallible.

-- Gospel Herald.

Signs of Emotional Security

1. Ability to deal constructively with reality.
2. Capacity to adapt to change.
3. Few symptoms of tension and anxiety.
4. Ability to find more satisfaction in giving than receiving.
5. Capacity to consistently relate to others with mutual satisfaction and helpfulness.
6. Ability to direct hostile energy into constructive outlets.
7. Capacity to love.
-- Dr. William Menninger

Meditation Techniques for Restful Sleep Revealed

The Heritage Group, based in Ridgway, Colorado was formed by Wendy Jacobson to incorporate daily meditation with yoga, breathing techniques and other methods to help people stay focused throughout their busy day.
“We want people to know about the meditation techniques they can use to get a full night’s sleep to start their day right,” Jacobson said. Jacobson says she just launched a weblog called Meditation Today designed to help people with sleeping disorders or those who just have trouble falling asleep.
“There are many stresses and stressors people face throughout their day. They carry these them because they don’t know how to release that negative energy,” Jacobson said.
Meditation Today shares several techniques that help people fall asleep faster and more consistently every night, some of which are:
o Go to bed at a reasonable hour consistently throughout the week
o Focus on every muscle in your body for about two to three minutes, relaxing any muscles that are still tight
o Watch stressful thoughts as if they were going through a boring movie– slowly let them dissipate until they lose their power
o Avoid heavy informational or current event news before bed
These are just a few ways to relieve stress before bedtime and relax the body so that it can rest easier and quicker.
Of course some Americans have more serious sleep issues that aren’t just stress related. Sleep deprivation and insomnia are two related problems that thousands of Americans struggle with every night. Although many of the reasons for these two problems are unknown, getting a full night’s rest affects people’s abilities to do their job, drive to work and take care of their families.
Sleep deprivation should not be taken lightly, as it was once recognized the number one health problem in the United States. According to one article on insomnia and sleep deprivation, 24,318 deaths were cited from accidents related to sleep deprivation in the United States in 1998.
Jacobson says these are just a few reasons why meditation techniques should be considered and incorporated into American’s lifestyles:
“We really don’t take enough time to process our thoughts and relax the constant videotape playing in our heads,” she said. That’s why Meditation Today is such a beneficial resource that every person should explore before they start their day or go to bed this evening.